August 11, 2008

Blogging Friends Forever Award!!!

Hi everydoggy, it's me Suki!

Our friend's Star & Jack and the Ao4 gave us this cool award! It means we're blogging buddies forever! Wow - we are so honored to receive it from two such cool blogging buddies (well six actually if you count each member of their pack). It was very special for me as Stormy from the A04 presented this award to us because of me.....because I am new to blogging. Thank woo Stormy!!!

The rules are:

We give this award to five friends (and only 5) who are dedicated followers of our blog, one has to be a new blogger in a different part of the world.

We link back to whoever gave us this award.

We'd like to give this award to:

Sitka, Tia and Cornelia Marie of Meow et Deux Woos - Cornelia Marie is a new member of Sitka & Tia's pack so she's our new blogging buddy

Echo, Shadow, Meeka & Shyla of The Daily Echo

Sky, Canyon & Sunshine Meadow of the Kapp Pack - We give this in honor of Kelsey Ann as she will always have a special place in our hearts and will always be our blogging buddy - Sunshine Meadow, boy do you have big paws to fill!!!

Cosmos (Summer's handsome boyfriend) & Juneau of the Mullin Clan

Guinness, Shiloh & Dunkin at the Stoutino Inn & Foster Kennel

We wish we could give it to everydoggy cause we love all your blogs!



The Army of Four said...

GREAT choices, Suki!
Hey, did you hear what Sir Dunkin was saying!?!? It was GREAT, wasn't it? ha roo roo roo!
Tail wags,

One Little Birdie said...

Ah, shucks! thanks so much for the award! you're our BFF's too

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Congrats on your award!

Steve and Kat

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Hi-Woo Suki,

Juni & I both thank woo fur the award. We will add it to our next post. Check out our new post - da boys of deconstruction, hawoo! We are helping our daddy around the house without him having to ask us!

Kissies to My Sumi, Hawoos to Princey & Suki -


-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...
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Anonymous said...

WOW! What a cool award! We are all honored to receive it!
Hugs, Meows, and Puppy Woos,
Sitka, Tia, and Cornelia Marie

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