August 02, 2010


Hawoo efurypupper, it's me Kodiak!

I am still a bit sleepy after a big day. Maw took me on what I thought was goin to be an adventure dis mornin ~ instead I ended up at da out of town VET.....da same place I stayed at when I had da operation to put da screw in my broken toe!!! Guess what I was dere fur dis time???

Here's some photos, can woo guess???

Yep ~ no screw in my footy foot anymore! Instead I just have a hole where da screw used to be! Dr Hugh told me and Maw I had to be fury careful for da next few weeks, no walkies fur two weeks and den I'm allowed to go fur little walks ~ it's been such a long time I hardly remember what goin fur walks is like!!!

Some of woo may know dat I haf problems wif one of my ears. Dr Hugh did take some samples and send dem to da LAB (have woo got dem yet Mr Koda MD.....I think he must have meant woo when he said LAB?) so we can try and figure out what da marks on da inside of my ear are and why it's dry and flaky sometimes on da outside of my ear. He also checked my lump and comfirmed it is just a cyst ~ Maw was fury happy bout dat fur some reason!!! He did stick a needle in and got dis thick gooey clear stuff out, so no more lumpy lump fur me!!!

Dis is what my ear looks like now.....

Well I'm still fury sleepy so I betta go hop on my beddy bed but before I go here's some more Yak photos fur woo.....

Did I make woo smile?

Play bows and woofs


AFSS said...

We are purring that your toe heals well and you can enjoy walks soon and we hopes they can find out what is wrong with your ear and cure it. It looks very painful. Healing purrs and positive vibes.

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Kodiak! I am sorry that woo had to go fur the vet... bummer, but no walkies fur 2 weeks! That is cruel and unusual punishment.
I hope woo foot feels better soon, and also the ear.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, you sure did make me smile, my sisters and I all send you purrs for quick healing!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ciara has a very big smile on her face, not just for the last pic, but also for the good news about the screw and the cyst. We bet your Mom was very happy too. Hope the ear turns out to be nothing big, maybe just a fungus of some sort?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Jack & Moo said...

Awww, yes woo did! (make us smile)
Glad to hear it was just a cyst, and woo-ho, no more screw! Rest up, sweetie-- soon all of this will be behind woo & woo can romp & play & go pull a sled!

jack a-roo & miss moo

Jacqueline said...

We hope your foot and ear heal quickly and you feel better soon...We hope you can start taking walks again before too long...We loved your gorgeous, fun photos=they made us smile a lot!!...Happy week sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Kodiak - it is great that they took the screw out of your toe - and that you can finally start to go on walks eventually. And hopefully they can figure out your ear thing - labs are good at that. And we understand why your mom was happy that the lump was just a cyst and that they could just drain it so it would be gone - that is always good news when it is something easy!

D.K. Wall said...

We always knew you had a screw loose - no, wait, just kidding (and really hoping that American phrase translates). Glad things went well and hope for a full recovery. And, of course you always make us smile.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo should repost the last pikh on Wednesday -

It's THAT furst Wednesday of the month again ;=)

No walks fur two weeks? I'm not sure which of us would khrazier by then: Mom or me!

That is a nice start on your khollekhting things fur your tool box!


Kate said...

I am yet to receive your samples but I am hoping they will be in the hands of another semi-proven MD to at least give you a reasonably accurate diagnosis...

Thats a rather large and horrible looking screw there by the way.. that was in your little toe?!

Glad to hear about your goo filled lumparoo. We didn't need to hear the words "Tumour" or "cancer" again this soon!

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