August 13, 2010


Howldy to all woo puppews out thewe!!! My name is BJ and I'm the latest membew of Team Husky!!!

Woo alweady know my Aunt Sesuk, it suwe is fun being able to spend time wif hew.....makes me not miss my old home as much. I'm a bit shy and not suwe what else to tell woo about me so if woo have any questions please just ask!

Since I've been wif my new family I've gotten to go out fuw lots of walkies in all diffewent places, I weally do like explowing and sniffing and of couwse ~ leaving my mawk new Mom says I'm a 'sewial piddlew', not suwe what that means but if I keep going fuw walks then it's gotta be a good thing!

When I was just a young puppy my old Mom had a bad accident and shattewed hew leg. Aftew then my weal Mom (Shino) and my aunts and uncles couldn't go fuw anymowe wuns cause Mom's leg wasn't stwong enough. My weal Mom had been telling me about what fun I would have going fuw wuns when I was a big boy but that day nevew came.....well until last weekend. I got to go fuw my fuwy fiwst wun and to make things even mowe exciting I had the best wunning pawtnew!!! I'll show woo some photos so woo can see fuw youwself just how happy I was.

This was at the stawt of ouw wun.....

Nanny Kate was thewe taking photos of us so I had to say hello, well I twied anyway.....

Befowe I got to Nanny Kate Suki and Mom both said 'let's go Mw SnugglePants' and then my leggies had to move weal fast to keep up with Aunt Suki and befowe I knew it we wewe heading towawds the twails.

We met up with some othew doggies on the twails and this is us at the end of ouw wun.....

So how can woo tell if we've had fun? Hewe's the pwoof.....

Smiley faces all awound!!!


Pee Ess ~ Woo may have noticed thewe awe no 'R''s in my vocabulawy, I weplace them with 'W''s. I hope that doesn't confuse woo too much!!!


Kate said...

Hello Mr Beej

I am sure Mr Prince would have liked you very much! Glad to see you were finally allowed to introduce yourself properly!

Tell your new Mom that I will send Mother Dearest round over the weekend to get some photos from her.


Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Welcome BJ!
I is Biloxi, the southern gentleman from Missy-yippy. Actually, I lives in Pawsylvania now. I has 2 sistas and 2 brudders.

Woo has a furry good family. Looks like woo had lots and lots of fun runnin on da trail.

Husky kisses,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


As fur your language, it works fur me!

Of khourse, not all the hoomans get it -

They think I'm khrazy but I'm just khlever!

I live in Pawsylvania like that furry nice Biloxi - I still think of him as 'Rhett' - I met him soon after he got sprung from Mississississippippi ;-)

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Brian's Home Blog said...

Welcome to your new home BJ and it is nice to meet you. Just remember, be nice to cats!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Welcome BJ! I is always happy to makes new furiends!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Jan Brown said...

Madison loves her new newphew, but her mum would rather 2 legged ones, not four legged furry ones.....they are cute tho and don't answer back, thats got to be a bonus......mmmmmm

Jack & Moo said...

A-roos to yous, BJ! Wooo! We lve that photo of woo with all 4 feety-feets off the ground! That looks like our kind of fun! Our Mom likes your mom's scooter thingy - what a great way to travel by husky power!

We know woo will have all sorts of fun adventures with team Husky - a-rooooooooos!

jack a-roo & miss moo

Yas said...

Haroo BJ!! Welcome Welcome! Soo nice to meet you! Looking forward to hearing more about your daily adventures with the team!


Jacqueline said...

Hi, BJ, you are a very handsome boy; we love your gorgeous eyes!...So glad you are in a loving home and you had your first big adventure there with the run=you looked like you really enjoyed it!...Happy Friday, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Army of Four said...

How exciting! Welcome, BJ!
Tail wags,

D.K. Wall said...

Welcome to the team, BJ.

24 Paws of Love said...

What a beautiful pack of Huskys. Love your blog. We are your newest follower. If you get a chance come visit our blog.

Nanny B and Cody said...

Welcome to the family BJ. Seems like my grandchildren (with the exception of one) are to be of the four leg variety and I'm learning to cope with that (sort of). You really are a lubbely sibe as are your Team Husky mates. You sure will have a wonderful life with your new Muvva and mates.

Lots of lovin' hugs
Nanny B and Cody

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