August 04, 2010



Some of you will know Phantom from The Op Pack and be aware of what he's been going through lately. Those of you that don't know should head over to their blog, he and his family are going through a really rough time at the moment and they could use all the support, prayers and sibe vibes they can get!

Phantom is very special to us, as are his brother Thunder, sisters Angel Princess Dakota and Ciara and Mom Kathie. They were a great comfort to us and gave us so much support right from before we got the horrible news that our Prince had cancer, all throughout our battle with this horrible disease and then through our struggle to come to terms with losing the very heart of our pack. They had been through everything we were going through with their beautiful Dakota and their handsome Phantom ~ Dakota lost her battle but Phantom, to this day, has survived. He has just had yet another surgery to remove a suspicious lump, this time on his face. He came through the operation well and will hopefully get to go home to his family tomorrow. Then they play the waiting game ~ the results from the pathology lab should be back within the next week.

We at Team Husky are praying and hoping this lump is not another tumor.....if it is we are hoping they were able to remove all of it and that Phantom can continue to live a happy, long life with his loving family.

We ask ourselves all the time why these things have to happen to us ~ it's simply not fair!

Please know that we are constantly thinking of you Kathie, Phantom, Thunder and Ciara and that we are here for you even though we live so far apart.

Stay strong Phantom ~ you are a survivor and so many people are praying for you......and of course Angels Dakota and Prince are watching over you constantly and sending all the healing vibes they can!

Your pals at Team Husky
Aleeya, Summer, Sesuk, Kodiak and BJ.....and of course Angel Princey


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Team Husky - you are such great furiends. Your post brought tears to our Mom's eyes. That was just so very nice of you to do. We hope Mom can bring Phantom home this morning and we too hope he will beat this ugly thing again. We are so very happy to know all of you and your sweet Mum too.

Woos ~ the OP Pack

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are purring like crazy for that sweet Phantom.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So furry well pawed!!!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Jacqueline said...

We will hold Phantom in our prayers, cross our paws and purr loudly for his good test results; it's so hard waiting on the news...Best of luck, beautiful Phantom...kitty kisses sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Donna said...

I sendin hope and luv. :)

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

We have all paws crossed for Phantom. He's such a sweetie.

Steve and Kat

Amy & the house of cats said...

We have been sending him lots of purrs!!

Katherine and Pippa said...

We love the OP pac, they are such great friends and so gorgeous. Thinking of them lots and hoping Phantom will be ok.

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