August 16, 2010


Hawoo efurypupper, it's me Lil Yak Yak!!!

Yesterday was Sunday fur us and oh what a funday it was! It started off da usual way, da alarm went off and Maw gots herself and us ready to go outs to our usual Sunday morning walkies spot. Into da HUSKIZ truck we went and da ten minute drive began. When we gots there I saw a lady come up to our truck (we were still in da back) wif a lil girl dat looked a bit like me. After Maw gots us outs of da truck I gots to say hurro to her and she did smell just like me was Sister Meisha!!! I hadn't seen her since da start of da year! Do woo think we looks alike?

Maw hooked me up to da front of da truck wif Aunt Summer and Aunt Suki ~ she hasn't done that fur a long time.....since before I hurts my foot. Aunt Suki gots to go fur a run wif my real Maw (Laska), Aunt Qui, BJ, GranMaw Kreevanka and Uncle Fen. Meisha gots to go fur her fury first run ever wif our furiend Bella! We didn't get any real good photos of dere runs but we did get dese as dey were coming back in.....

After dey gots back from dere run Maw gots Aunt Summer and my harnesses outs ~ I was confused cause I never gets to go fur walks or runs anymore. Maw put my harness on me and told me I was goin fur a walk and dat Meisha was comin along too! I was so's been 10 weeks and 1 day since I last had ANY exercise (not dat I'm counting)! I tried my hardest to pull Maw and make her run but she said I wasn't allowed to run yet. I thought I would never gets to go fur walkies again so I was purtty happy. Here's some photos of my first walk wif my new toe.....

Aunt Summer and Me

Me watchin Aunt Summer and Nikita off lead, I want to run round wif dem too!!!

Ange and Sis Meisha and Jo and Uncle Kayto

Meisha N' Me

We was hopin dat brudder Zeus Moose might haf been dere when we gots back from our walk but he wasn't:( At first we had a reunion under da HUSKIZ truck but den we decided to cooperate fur a photo shoot.....

Sister Meisha, Brudder Qannik and Me ~ Qannik is laughing at sumthin

Now Meisha is laughin

Haakon is strategically placin us and Meisha has her GranPaw Que ears on

Qannik is makin a dash for da treats Maw is holdin

Okay, so none of us are lookin at da camera but dis was da best we could do!!!

Our furiend Bling came to say hullo and show off his new sister Jewels.....

How cute is she!!! Dats Bling and Jewels Paw by da way

Our GodBrudder Baby J (Jaden) was dere and he gave us lots of smiles!

Dis is Nikita, Meisha lives wif her

Dis is of course Snowflake (Brudder Qannik)

Aunt Summer, Brudder Qannik and Me ~ now Summer is laughing......
I'm beginning to think da jokes on me!!!

Woo see it really was a fun filled day wif family and furiends.....and WALKIES!!!

Play bows and woofs


Brian's Home Blog said...

My goodness, y'all sure did have a good time...smiles everywhere!!!

Jack & Moo said...

Woo have such a great family - its so nice woo get to get together with them! No mistaking it - Meisha looks like your sisfur all right. (Woo are one good-looking litter, all of woo!) Glad to hear your toe is mending & woo are starting to get our & about again.

jack a-roo & miss moo

Amy & the house of cats said...

It sounds like it was a fun time!!

Jacqueline said...

So many great photos of gorgeous woofies!...It looks like you guys had a really fun day together...We really loved the "family photo" session=just beautiful...Happy week sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

D.K. Wall said...

Woo - getting into harness and not being able to run. Not sure if we could handle that or not. But still looked like fun for everyone.

We are still probably 2 months from being able to run. Need that cooler weather soon!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So many beaWOOOOOOtiful 'us' pups there!

Thanks fur sharing!


Khady Lynn said...

Oh how exciting!! Looks like you had a great family reunion and lots of fun together!

Holly and Khady

Kate said...

Efurryone is laughing at you Yak!

Or maybe I should say - Nobody is laughing at you Yak!

Just whatever is best....

Pretty Sister.... but I growled at her... woops! If I'd known it was YOUR Sisfur, I would've been kind.

IceSibes said...

Bro wu’re just so serious!

Come on wu know wu want to smile...

So happy to see wu allowed to go fur walkies... Maybe we's get to jog together some day soon?

Woo Woo, Bro Qannik (SnowFlake)

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Wow! Not only did you get to go for a walk but you got to see your sister. Sounds like a good day to me.


PS. Could you send us your email so we can send you your Happy Hearts gift certificate?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We think you all did a great job with the photoshoot - so many beautiful huskies in one place. And yes, Meisha really does look a lot like you, but in a girl sort of way:) Jewels is just beautiful.

Ciara is very happy that her man got to test out that toe. Bet you really enjoyed your walk.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

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