January 18, 2011


Hi efurypuppy, it's me Summer!

Today a little doggy is battling for his life. He really really needs as much help as he can get, at the moment we need to say prayers for him and send lots of Sibe Vibes his way (and Aussie Shepherd Vibes too)! The vets are doing efurything they can fur him. We sure hope he is strong enough to fight this and get back home to his foster Mom, litter brother Jetson and foster brothers and sisfurs.

Another way we can help is by contributing to his costly medical care. Team Husky have donated as much as they can afford and every dollar helps. Here is a message from his foster Mom Kelly, who is a fury fury close furiend of Team Husky's:

I have some very unfortunate news and I was hoping for your help! Recently I started fostering (2) 11 week old aussie puppies for Blind dog rescue www.blinddogrescue.com. On Friday evening the littlest boy Innoko started violently vomiting, so I had to rush him to the ER vet. Come to find out my precious little boy has Parvo. I was shocked and devastated. For those of you who don't know, Parvo is a virus that attacks the rapidly growing cells in the body (mainly the GI tract and bone marrow). 100% of dogs who contract this disease die (from dehydration or secondary infection) who are not treated.

This morning I received word that Innoko was not at all doing well and he will need to stay a few more days at the ER vet, where he will receive IV fluids and supplements to keep him alive. You can imagine that the cost of this treatment is quite expensive, and it is. The total cost thus far is $3000 and counting - but no matter what the cost we are devoted to our sweet Innoko and we will do whatever it takes to make sure he has the life he so rightfully deserves!

What I am asking is that you help spread the word about Innoko and if you are able to make a donation to help off-set the cost of his vet bills. I do not have much, as I already donate pretty much all of my free money and time for the dogs that need me; however I have donated $1 to his chip-in fund. If everyone donated $1 it would go such a long way to helping us save our beloved boy! His chip-in link is below:

Innoko is blind (maybe can see some shadows) and partially deaf. He already has been through so much heartache in his short little life - being dumped at the shelter at only 8 weeks old. But he has such a bright future ahead of him...

Please help me save my little foster boy!!! Thanks in advance for all your help!!!!


Please please please - if you can afford to help little Innoko, even if it is just $1, it would be so much appreciated!

Innoko - so many people are behind woo, please do yur best to fight this terrible disease!

Kisses and lots of healing vibes
Summer (and all of Team Husky)


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed fur Innoko -

Mom knows how nasty Parvo khan be BUT she also knows with treatment and timing, it khan be beaten - she's transported Parvo Survivors -

We'll head to the ChipIn - don't have much to share but something from evFURRYone khan help -

In fakhkt, we'll paw it in honour of The Butters who khrossed today -


Brian's Home Blog said...

That's very sad, I shall tell all my twitter friends at once. I have over 12,000 so you just never know.

Jack & Moo said...

We'll be Sibe vibin' for little Innoko. We'll chip in a bit as well.

jack & moo

Unknown said...

Aww paw baby I hope he makes it through. me and mum will deffinately chip in.

hugz and kisses to Innoko

Maddie and Jan

Khady Lynn said...

We just read on Khyra's blog that poor little Innoko went to the bridge. What a tough little guy. We are so sorry that such a young baby had to go through such a terrible disease. We know he will be met at the bridge by so many others who will welcome him with many play bows.

Godspeed little Innoko.


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