Haroo everypupper, I'm here to tell woo what's happening in the Amazon girls' world.
The four girls are now 7 1/2 weeks old and this is their last week with their Mom. The girls are starting puppy classes (their human Mom takes the classes) this week.....I bet they get up to lots of mischief! Our Mom is taking one of the girls to puppy classes so their human Dad doesn't have to take two of them - we are so jealous cause Mom said we can't go too!!!
This weekend two of the girls will be going to their new homes, Puppy #1 Storm (was previously Quilla) and Puppy #4 Sapphire. Puppy #2 Cyntara is staying with her human Mom and Dad and the latest news is that Puppy #3 Quilla (previously Storm) might be staying their too!!!
Anywoo, here's some new photos of the girls - I give woo Amazon girls Day 54:





Quilla and Sapphire getting grubby exploring

Grubby Quilla

'Is this okay Mom?' asks Cyntara

Storm being a big girl in the big dogs trailer!

Storm & Cyntara have climbed the mountain!

Aleka playing with Cyntara

Rest time!

Play time!

Cheeky Cyntara

Upside down Storm
I can't wait to meet the girls, they are going to be so much fun to play with!!!
Woo Woos