Maw showed us some of da photos she did take at da Australia Zoo and I told her I would like to share dem wif woo.
Dis is a bronze sculpture of Steve, Terry, Bindi and Jack Irwin.....and dere doggy and a croc too.....

Dese are some of da beewootiful tigers at da Zoo ~ our Maw just LOVES tigers, she says dey are the bestest (apart from Siberian Huskies of course!!!).....

Dis is da cool place the elephants live in, Maw says dey are pretty amazing animals too.....wowzers, dey are monsters ~ dey would make da Lil Demon look like a mouse.....

Here is a really cool camel, I think he needs to go see a camel dentist though, me thinks he'd haf real smelly breath.....

Maw laughed when she showed us dis photo, she said it's a pic of camel toe ~ does anypuppy or anykitty know why dat is funny? We can all see it's a camels toe but what is funny about dat???

Maw watched a show at da Crocoseum and dey let lots of beewootiful birds fly around, Maw said dey did zoomies real close to efuryones heads! Dere were cockatoos, Macaw parrots, lorrikeets and lots of other purtty coloured birdies!!!

We all thought dese little fellas looked purtty cute, dey are Tasmanian Devils. Maw says dey move around lots and it's hard to get photos of dem.....

Of course Australia wouldn't be Australia without da cute little walas (as our Maw calls dem) and da Kangaroos and Wallabies. Here are sum of da ones dat live dere.....

I likes dis one da best, it's a Mommy with her little baby.....Maw said his name is Joey.....