Hi efurydoggy, it's me Sesuk!
I have some fury special news and photos to share with woo today. Woo see on the 26 September, I went on a road trip with my Mom and Ragnar. We went to a place called Christchurch cause I had an appointment with a fury special VET at 9:30am.
We left home at 2am on Saturday morning and had a long seven hour drive ahead of us. We had a Suki pee stop on the way up but I didn't much feel like peeing much to the humans disgust. They had coffee and some breakfast while I had to wait in the car. When we got to the VET I was not happy about going inside so Ragnar carried me:) She stuck a needle in my leg and took some more blood out (I think this was about the ninth blood test I'd had in the last few weeks!). Apparently the VET (her name was Kirsten by the way and she was fury nice as far as VETs go), was wanting to know if my Progesterone levels were high enough for me to have surgery. I wasn't sure what was going on but I went along with it anyway.
While we waited fur the blood test results to come back we went fur a walk in a nice park, again I was supposed to pee but decided I still didn't feel like it. I met lots of fascinating things ~ here's a few photos for woo:
'Well hello there, my names Suki ~ what's yours?'

Well they weren't fury friendly but I did meet two fury good looking Siberian Huskies that wanted to be my furiend.....

Aren't they purrty? I can't remember what the girls name was but the boys name was Boris. There were other doggies there too but Ragnar said I was too 'prickly' to meet them.......I think he meant I was grouchy because I was on heat.
Then we went and got some human lunch and went to a nice river and relaxed fur a bit.....well some of us relaxed, I was more interested in the sights! They took me for a fury long walk but I still didn't pee fur them!
Seagulls before meeting me.....

After meeting me.....

Dis was me laughing at the silly seagulls.....

I kept a fury close eye on all the wildlife.....

These were some of my favourites, a Mom with her babies and a fury purrty ducky.....

We went back to the VET at 2pm and the results were fury high which meant I could have my surgery straight away! Mom tried to get me to pee again but I still didn't want to cooperate, she said it was fury important as I hadn't peed since before we left home this morning and I wouldn't be allowed to pee for a few hours after my surgery, of course I told her no. They gave me something to make me sleepy and my Mom and Ragnar were right there with me which made me feel much better. I don't remember much after that but Mom said that they performed 'AI' on me and then she told me what that means ~ wait fur it efurydoggy ~ I MIGHT HAVE PUPPIES ONE DAY SOON!!! I LOVE pup pup puppies so this was fury exciting news fur me!
Mom said the VET let her and Ragnar watch the whole surgery, it made me feel better knowing they were there with me the whole time to make sure I was okay. Mom told me some other stuff that I don't really understand, I'll share it with woo anyway ~ BUT I DO UNDERSTAND THE PART ABOUT ME MAYBE HAVING PUPPIES!!! She said that I had been inseminated with frozen semen. It was taken from a really nice doggy 15 years ago and had been frozen all this time! The VET thawed it out fury quickly and they came right back to life again! Mom and Ragnar got to watch them under a thingee called a microscope and they said they were fury active an fury fascinating. The doggy came from a fury well known kennel in the UK called Forstal Kennels and I feel fury lucky to have been chosen to maybe be the mother of some of his puppies. Mom showed me some photos of him and a movie too and I have to say efurydoggy, he's purtty hot!
Mom had been keeping a secret from me ~ we were staying the night in Christchurch and we were staying somewhere fury special!!! I didn't believe Mom when she told me, I mean there was no way it could be possible. We went fur a drive and pulled into someone's driveway, I was lying on the back seat of the car when I heard a fury familiar voice ~ I sat up straight away and looked right where the voice came from ~ it was my old Mom! I was at my old home where I was born and lived my whole life until I went to my new Mom's!!! It was so great to see my old Mom and Dad and human brudder, so many memories came back to me! I so wanted to pee in my old patch right there and then but Mom said I wasn't allowed so I had to wait another couple of hours!
I was allowed to sleep on a bed with Mom that night and the next morning I caught a glimpse of something that almost made my heart stop ~ it was some of my family ~ they were right there where they had been when I left to come live with my new family!!! I wasn't allowed to go see them properly because of the surgery and my pricklyness but it was so nice knowing they were all still there and I hope I will be able to go back one day and spend some time with all of them.
I would like to introduce woo all to my family:
This is my brudder Mauya.....

Dis is my other brudder Anui.....

Meet my half brudder Tserko (we have the same Mom).....

My half sister Shino (we have the same Mom).....

Dis fella is my nephew BJ (short for Blackjack), he is Shino's son.....

Here's BJ and Mauya.....

Meet my other half sister Satuh (we have the same Mom).....

and my neice Chena (Satuh's daughter).....

Do woo like the den Satuh and Chena built.....

Oh and last but not least, this is my furiend Nardy.....

and these are a few photos of the kennels and the area all the doggies live in.....

Dis is a cute photo of some baby cows.....and no Summer, they aren't related to me!!!

Mom told me I have an appointment to have a scan to see if I have puppies in my belly on 31 October so I'll let woo all know if you'll be getting pupdates from me in the near future!!!