Today is a fury sad day fur us at Team Husky, it's been six whole months since we had to say goodbye to our Paw, best furiend, and brudder. Things are fury different around here wifout Paw and we are doin da best we can to carry on wifout him ~ we miss him lots and think about him efuryday. Maw says goodnight to us each night after we go to bed and always says night night to Paw too.
I would like to share some photos wif woo of me and my Paw together.....
Me, Maw and Paw.....

Me, brudder Qannik and Paw.....
Me, Paw, Aunt Qui and my Paw and my bestest buddy Koda.....
We miss woo Paw!!! I am tryin to be a good boy, it's a bit hard sometimes cause woo left me some purtty big paws to fill!!! I know woo are watchin over us and I hope woo are proud of me!!!
Play bows and woofs and special cuddles for woo Paw