Hawoo efuwypuppew, it's me BJ!
We have wondewful snow in ouw backyawd!!!! Mom had told us that if we woke up this mowning and thewe was lots of snow she would take today off wowk so we could go sledding. Thewe is not enough neaw whewe we live so we haven't been able to go out sledding, we wewe all vewy disappointed:(
Most of ouw fuwiends in the USA awe fuwy jealous of us because they awe having a heatwave that sounds just plain nasty to us Sibewians!!! We are twying to send some of ouw cool weathew theiw way!!!
We have had some fun in the snow, hope woo like the pictuwes I choose to shawe with woo!!!
The fowst photo is ouw fuwiends Tess, Zawah and Jonah and theiw Dad Bawwy near the end of theiw wun yestewday mowning. Mom didn't manage to get photos of us but me and Kodiak went with a wun with Kodiak's cute sistew Meisha and Summew and Sesuk went fuw walkies with ouw fuwiends Fen, Laska and Kweevanka!
The rest awe of us at home in the snow.....
Pee Ess ~ Mom says we need to catch up on the last month ow two cause we haven't been blogging much! It's all hew fault, not ouws!!! Our paws can't contwol the computew fuwy well so we have to wely on hew to help us and she says she's been busy taking us out and doing othew things! Slack I know and I can assuwe you, on behalf of Team Husky, we have all been complaining to hew about it!!!