March 29, 2007
Welcome to 'Horana Kennels'
New 'Iceberg Pack' Members
Suggen & Aleka - first day in their new home...& a big one it was:)
The newest members at the Berg residence
Meet Sirius - the newest member of the Iceberg Pack
There are two more puppies looking for homes so I wouldn't mind betting at least one of them will end up staying with Team Iceberg!
The 'Thomas Pack'
A happy foursome:)
Then they heard about another red boy that was looking for a new home and Karl decided that he would quite like a team of red dogs. Welcome to the newest member of the Thomas pack Chief
The last (well one of the first really) member of the Thomas family......Boris.
Poor old Borri is still trying to figure out why his Mum & Dad decided Sibes were collectables & not handsome black cats:) So as Boris doesn't feel left out, their racing name is Black Cat Racing!
Here's a photo of me with some treats & the Thomas pack (all 5 of them) looking very hungry the day after their Mum & Dad tied the knot. Notice the red one up in the air - that's Niko.....I'm sure he has springs in his pads:)
Here's a photo of my boy Prince & his grandmother Sarah, yep that's's a family affair:)
Sarah claims Prince gets his good looks from her - what do you think?
March 28, 2007
A Day In My Life….Beyond Human Limits

The real adventure began at 4:30am on Tuesday morning. We all dragged ourselves out of our beds, prepared ourselves & the dogs for the day ahead & headed up the hill to the Snow Farm, arriving at 5:30am. After a light breakfast we made our way in the Jeep as far as we could go which was to the first DOC hut.
Nigel (Mawson), Rose & Amanda headed to the set with the six Mals as did Haakon (Mertz) & Dick (Producer) with the seven Sibes on sleds. I ended up catching a ride in on a Skidoo. Part way in we came across the Mal team who were all looking a bit stressed, there had been a fight but apart from a few minor wounds all was okay so they continued, Nigel with his four Mals on the sled & Rose & Amanda with Rose’s two Mals on foot. We were told it wasn’t too far in to the set but it was actually quite a distance. The Sibes ended up riding in on the trailer behind the Snow Cat for the last part of the run. Eventually we all arrived on the set & got the dogs staked out, let them have a rest then it was time to get their harnesses on.

A decision was made by the Director. The Sibes would have to perform the running shots with Nigel (Mawson) as their musher as they couldn’t have Mawson running four dogs in the documentary. Sometime during the morning runs Pharaoh got in a fight & ended up with several puncture wounds in his leg so was unable to run. We then put Que in the team in Phar’s place but that proved to be a bad decision as Que, Fen & Prince’s testosterone levels were running at an all time high & they ended up getting into a fight on one of the runs. The outcome was a few puncture wounds (including one in Haakon’s hand) & Que with a tear on his lower eye lid. We then had two team members that were unable to run, leaving us with five.
We called it a day (& a long one it was) & headed back to the Snow Farm then back to the hotel. First priority was getting the dogs settled & fed, then it was our turn. Evenings were a bit of a rush as after we’d eaten it was time to let the dogs out again for a stretch before they were locked away safely in the trailer for the night. Then it was finally time for the human heads to hit the pillow.
The next two mornings we had an even earlier start – up at 4am to arrive at the Snow Farm at 5am. After the first morning’s trek in it was decided it made more sense to transport the dogs in rather than wear them out before they even got there. Rose’s trailer was towed in by the Snow Cat with Nigel’s four Mals inside & the seven Sibes, Haakon, Nigel & myself piled into the back of the Snow Cat. Fen was in front of me & kept trying to climb up onto my knee (as everyone who knows him well will appreciate, he’s a big softy underneath that tough exterior). Nigel was sitting with his back to me & over to the side slightly. Every time Fen would put his feet on my lap his head would be quite close to Nigel. I told Nigel Fen was coming over to see him. The look on Nigel’s face was priceless followed by a quick ‘get him away from me’. Seemed funny to me that a man that owns four big Mals was scared of a Sibe:)
The plan for this mornings filming was to get the long distance shots (by helicopter) done. Once we got on set & got the dogs out we noticed one of Nigel’s Mals, Kayley, wasn’t herself. Her condition deteriorated & she ended up getting a ride in the helicopter back to the DOC hut where our vehicles were so Rose could take her to the vet. It was amazing how quickly she went downhill. The vet informed Rose that if she had of been left for a few hours longer it could have been touch & go. This of course left Nigel with three Mals which was not acceptable for the running shots.
Solution – disguise Mertz as Mawson & run the five Sibes. The chopper & film crew were late arriving on the set due to the Snow Cat blowing a fuse so it was heading towards lunch time when we started shooting. It went really well overall (a few minor hiccups as can be expected with fan formation & a few of the dogs were spooked by the helicopter as it came down really low over them). We were told there was some great footage. It’s just as well Haakon is fit as he had to do a fair bit of running to keep up with the dogs. There were a couple of runs where the dogs took off with the sled & Haakon wasn’t able to keep up & had to chase them. Bet they thought it was great, running without a musher:)

Before leaving, the dogs decided to serenade some of the filming people. It was quite an effort to keep them howling, not too successful as there were only two or three participating in the howling at any one time. The camera lady (Fred) was there with her microphone & camera trying to capture the beautiful melody. I’m sure the dogs must have been getting back at us for the three days we made them run & lie in the sun because as soon as we started packing up & putting our gear in the Snow Cat they all started howling. Fred rushed over to capture the moment & Dick was there with his video camera too.
This was a wonderful adventure for me, very much a learning curve too. I think Haakon would agree with me when I say I would not want to be involved in running the dogs in fan formation again, unless there was a copious amount of time spent training & we knew the dogs were bombproof with each other.
The days were long for the dogs & the sun was constant which was really hard on them as there was no shelter. The dogs were all amazing, so tolerant & patient. They are truly unique animals & I take my hat off to them for their performances & look forward to seeing the finished Documentary which is due out early 2008. This was only the beginning of Mawson – Beyond Human Limits, the film crew are heading to Antartica in December to do some more filming.