Haroo everypupper, it's your favourite Prince reporting in on behalf of Team Husky!!!
We had a siberrific weekend away recently at a racing event. Lots of mingling with our friends and lots of good smells in a forest that was new to us.
Me & Summer curled up in trailer
We travelled up to Naseby on the Friday as we had trail viewing late in the afternoon and a mushers meeting that night (well our bipeds had the meeting really). Early on Saturday morning we headed into the Forest for the first heat of the weekends racing. The rig teams took off first and then the scooters.
Me and my buddy Suggen ran in the two dog scooter class. There were lots of hills and steep downhills - I was running on big stones on the downhills and didn't like it very much at all.....in fact I really wanted to stop. My Mom and Suggen kept going so I made sure they slowed down plenty and we continued on our way.
Mum, Suggen and I crossing the finish line
Woohoo!!! We made it!!!
Steve and his wife Christy
(that's our friends Teddy & Skila leading the way!)
After the first heat our friend Haakon gave us some treats. I'm not overly food motivated (so Mom says anyway) and a couple of little morsels of the treats fell on the ground - I didn't think they were worth bothering about however Suggen decided they looked pretty good and tried to help himself.....right under my nose!!! I of course told him there was no way I was sharing MY leftovers with him and we had a bit of a man fight. I ended up with a little hole in my head and a scrape under my eye. Suggen was in worse shape with a couple of punctures and nice deep cut on one of his front feety feets. This little 'disagreement' meant that our bipeds decided to scratch us from the second heat the next morning:( They didn't want to do more damage to Suggen's foot as it could affect his training and possibly racing at upcoming events.
We went back to the forest late that afternoon for the junior and veteran races. Our Mom took a friends dog in the veterans race, I was very jealous. The vets race is for older dogs by the way, not older bipeds (our Mom said to make sure I told woo that)!
Haakon & Fen
Jo & Uncle Kayto
Margaret & Pharaoh

Mom & Que
After that the rigs ran their second heat - we apologise for the crappy photos, the lighting in the forest just wasn't adequate for the night & early morning races!
Todd with his Pointers
Nathan with Amber, Angel, Jinx, Storm, Frosty & Zen
Karl and Niko, Bella & Dolce

Haakon with Balto, Sirius, Quiquern and Aleka
It was another early start the next morning and back to the forest for the third and last heat for the rigs and the second and last heat for scooters. Us boys just had to wait in the trailer while most of the other K9's raced.....I was not impressed! It snowed a little bit which was really cool!
Terry with Mac and Lyne with Sarah (that's my grandma!) and the beerootiful Chinook
Kate & Koda
Jo, Blaze & Chief
Alan & his Alaskan Husky Petite
Sirius after the race - what a dirty boy, ha roo roo!
After the racing had finished the bipeds had a prizegiving and then we headed on the road to home. It was a bit of a boring weekend for my big sis Summy as she didn't race at all but she doesn't mind - she'd much rather spend the weekend with her boy (that's me!) and our Mom than stay home without us.
My beerootiful sister Summy in the snow
Nathan & Cheryl's trailer - snow writing!
Me and Summy posing in the snow
That's all from me for now. Summer will have a fun post soon showing all woo puppers that we did take notice of my girlfriend Stormy of the A04 when we attended the SZK School of Siberian Studies class. We really do live up to our reputation of being 'Siberian Rat Bags' as our Mom fondly calls us.....well sometimes anyway:)
Woo Woos