Hi everypuppy
Today I'd like to share a few photos with woo of us with our very special friends Deborah & Jade. Suki told woo about the mally puppies we went to visit last weekend, well it was Deb & Jade we visited on the way home from Palmerston!
Do woo remember us telling woo about a beewootiful Siberian that went missing last year? Her name is Valhalla (Bella) and Deb & Jade are her Mom & Grandmom. Bella has never been found, she has been missing for almost a year now, it will be the anniversary of her disappearance on 6 October. Please make sure woo keep looking for her and tell us if woo see anydoggy that woo think might be her. There would be nothing better than having Valhalla reunited with her family.
Here's photos from our visit:

Princey was real keen to meet Deb's partner Daniel!

What woo couldn't see in the last photo was that poor Jade was sitting on the floor and Princey was climbing over her!

Here's Jade trying to breathe under that big hairy lump!

Princey was real pleased with himself when he scored cuddles on the couch with Dan:)

Here's Jade & Deborah with Team Husky!

Dan, Deb & Jade with us and Miss Laska:)
They sure do love us puppers and we want to say a big THANK WOO to Deb for letting us into her house, it sure was full of great smells! Princey wants me to point out to woo the 'object' in the left side of the very last photo below - it had a whole lot to do with the good smells and me & Suki hae to agree with him!
I would also like to share a few photos of Bella with woo, it might help woo identify her:

Please keep looking for Valhalla cause we sure would like to spend some time with her!!!