I'm here with an important request! It's a quick, fun and painless way you can help a wonderful Siberian Husky rescue group - MaPaw! They're trying to win $25,000 from the Animal Rescue Site to help Sibes in need and we can help them! There are lots of other prizes too, totalling $100,000!!! Here's what you need to do - it only takes a few clicks!
According to an email from Ma of MaPaw, here is all you have to do - CLICK HERE! Once there, scroll down a bit. Under Search and Vote for a Shelter, please enter MaPaw for the name, USA for country and PA as the state. Then click and cast your vote (you may be asked to confirm your vote after that)!
That's it - just click! You can vote once a day, every day, from now until December 14th (it will even save your info to make it easier for you to vote the next day)! Won't you please help us make a difference for Sibes in need? Think of how many animals we can help!

Thanks for helping us help MaPaw!!!
I did!
The AO4 gave us our instrukhtions!!
And woo KNOW we don't KNOW obey Stormy's khommands!!!
Hi-Woo My bewootiful Sumi,
We already voted fur Mapaw & since I am a Mapaw Sibe, we just had to.
Thinkin & dreamin of woo,
Yur Cosi
Ha ROO, Summer! I love that we're all pitching in together to help MaPaw! Wouldn't it be GREAT if they won?!
Tail wags,
Woo Woo we did!! We even signed for the daily reminders. Maw added the link to my post and she emailed all her friends. Maw would try to help out where ever she can 'cause of me!
Go MaPaw!!!!!!
Husky Kisses,
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