I was given a fury important task recently ~ I was told I would be overseeing da construction of a deck! Our furiends from IceBerg Siberian Huskies had finally managed to convince dere bipeds to build dem a loverly deck to sunbathe on. I was so happy to be included in dere plans.
Here's my GranMaw Kreevanka guarding da decking timber ~ she's making sure no bipeds or puppies take any of it without her permission.....

Here's da bipeds in da middle of construction wif me, our cousin Madison and aunt Jan helpin me supervise ~ builders were my biped GranPaw Ragnar and our furiend Haakon.....

It was hard work supervisin, I had to have a break and chew on a leaf.....
Den it was back to more serious work ~ I was contemplatin what dey were doin, I knew an easier way but decided not to tell dem.....
I was so busy contemplating, I dropped my leaf.....

After all dat hard work I decided to find a nice quiet spot where I could take a nap ~ this looked perfect to me.....

The bipeds made me move cause dey couldn't carry on wif da deck ~ well dey could of, but Lil Demon would haf been furever stuck under dere! I'm glad dey asked me to move cause I know all of woo would have missed me lots!
Play bows and woofs
What a great job you did of helping - it looks like it is a very big job!!
Oh, Kodiak - we are so happy they told you to move - what would we do if you got stuck in there? And Princey wouldn't be too happy either.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Nice leaf?
Maybe Prince would be happy that you got stuck there, for a wee while at least... hehehehehehe
Your pal, Koda
I hope woo were well paid fur your shift!
Woo did a pawesome job!
Did they make you and your leaf leave? Ok - that wasn't funny.
Hi-ya Kodiak,
Woo did a great job of helpin wif the deck!
Good day, sun shines!
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One time we went over to one of Mom and Dad's friend's house. He has a deck, but it wasn't totally enclosed underneath, so Kat and I crawled around under there. Literally on our tummies because it wasn't tall enough to stand up. When we got out, we were muddy beyond belief because it had been raining. I think you might want to try that.
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