Hey everypupper, it's me - your very own Princester!
We haven't been doing too much.....just hanging out really as woo can see.

We're in Autumn now but it has still been warmish, we've had a few runs to kick off our training for race season....not cold enough for my liking though. It's hard work I tell woo! Our daylight savings has ended (do woo puppers have daylight savings?), it's dark when we go for our runs at night so we have to have real good lights so we don't crash into any trees or run any slow puppers over cause we can't see them!
It's run night again tonight - bet some of you puppers are jealous! I'm sure woo would all love to run beside me in harness:) I'd like the extra help too!!!
Woo Woos
Hmmm... I'd love to curl up on the bed, but I'm not sure about running. Woo.
I am jealous! Mom and Dad want to teach us to skijor, but are not sure how to do it. I hope they figure it out for next winter!
Woo!!! I would love to run with you two. I think it would be fun!!!
Autumn???? It's spring time here, but we got snow today. But, it's suppose to be 60 tomorrow. Such strange weather these days.
Hey guys, missed you!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
HI-Woo My Bewootiful Summer,
You look so adorable taking sum down-time wif yur bruther. I've been thinking about woo!
Lots of hugs & kissies,
-Yur Cosi-
Woooos, you two look so sweet together! It's starting to get warm here, sure wish we could come visit woo just in time for winter & snow!
Wooos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack A-roo
Best of luck with the training and have a great run!!
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