September 29, 2008
Another House Guest!!!
Sleepover At Team Husky's House!!!
Here's all of us eating our dinner:)
Miss Laska happy with a full tummy
Laska on the couch - where she's not supposed to be!!!
We wondered where she was cause we didn't see her all night, she never even tried to get up on our bed with us and Mom. We should have guessed that she found a spot on the couch - Mom had put objects on the couches so she couldn't sleep on them, she just knocked one of them off. Laska sure is clever:)
September 21, 2008
He's Back!!!
September 20, 2008
Has Anyone Seen My Brother???
September 15, 2008
Have Woo Met Deacon???
Me and Deacon in my house
Sum, me and Deacon in the courtyard
Did woo notice how tall he is......he's a monster!
Woo Woos
Welcome Back Tikaani!!!
Here's some photos of Tikaani as a puppy.....
Apologies fo the bad photo - it's one Mom took on her phone. We'll try & get a better one soon:)
He's still sweet and handsome but he's oh so much bigger than last time I saw him!
Welcome back Tikaani from Team Husky!
'Actually it was kinda refreshing!'
'This is a really great thing Mom, I'll look after it for woo!'
Our friend bought over one of our friends Fen for a bath too.....he's a grub like me - loves lying in the dirtiest places he can find:) Apparently he's my 'boyfriend' whatever that means. Since I've been with my new family I have spent a bit of time with Fen & I've learnt that he is a big tough guy on the exterior but a real softie deep down. Anywoo, he wasn't too impressed about having a bath either and he grumbled a few times but Mom said he was much better than he usually is as he normally cries like a baby when he's having a bath! Fen smells different to me, he got the 'Ultra Cleaning' shampoo.
'I'll try & look cool about that torture thing, that's what a tough boy would do!'
Last, but certainly not least, was my little sister Summy - Mom used the 'Ultra Cleaning' shampoo on her.....that was once she managed to catch her!!! Sum's not happy when it's time to have a bath. After she was all clean and sweet smelling Summer did an amazing shake - she did her normal vigorous shake but then started at her fluffy butt end and gave that a good shake and then let the shake move up her body......then as if that wasn't enough did a vigorous all over body shake again!!! It was amazing, she did it all in one shake everydoggy and everykitty!!!
Once we'd wrapped up the bathing at our house we went round to our friends place (well Prince and Sum stayed home and Fen and I walked round) and Mom gave their alpha, Que, a bath. He was not at all impressed - it was extremely embarrassing standing there looking like a drowned rat with us doggies looking on!!! He was so glad that the only one in his pack watching was gracious Lady Ara, the others were all out the back in their houses. Que's just lucky Mom didn't have her camera with her!!! Ara doesn't know it yet but she just may be the next victim!!!
Well everydoggy, that's a wrap from me! Hope you enjoyed seeing the evidence that us doggies really were tortured!
Steve, Kat & Wilbur - woo better hope your Mom does not find out about this horrible thing!!! I promise I won't tell.....I wouldn't do that to anydoggy!!!
September 10, 2008
Prince's 'Chillin' Out' Shots
Two Sibes posing in the snow
Hope with her booties on
Pharaoh and Qui
Me and Sesuk
Suggen, Aleka, Summer and me
Summer (with her eyes open this time)!
Beerootiful snow capped mountains at sunset
How pretty is this everypuppy and and everykitty?
This photo is for my sweetie Storm who celebrated her 13th birthday while I was away racing. Love woo Stormy
It's really important for us puppers to relax and chill out.....remember that when your bipeds want you to do something!!!
Woo Woos
Haakon, Prince, Aleka, Suggen & Quiquern about to head round a corner
Six teams working hard out on the trail
Princey's team heading towards the finish line with Alex & Pharaoh (skijoring)
Four tired puppies as the cross the finish line!
Our friends Lyne, Chinook & Alladin heading down a hill
Photo of the trails
Now for the second heat:
Chinook, Alladin & Lyne working hard
Chooky & Laddy racing the Mals to the finish line
Princey's team rounding last corner to finish line
And the very last heat:
Lyne, Chooky & Laddy
Princey's team races a skijorer to the finish line
And they beat him!!!
Princey's team got third in the four dog class, I'm so proud of my little bro:)
Suki and me went out with our Mom on the second day of racing for a play on the snow - it was Mom's first time ever driving a sled on her own. We were real gentle on her:) On the last day Mom took Suki, Pharaoh and me out for a run on the snow, sorry we don't have photos but Mom had her hands full trying to stay on the sled!!!
Hope you like the photos