Hawoo puppies and kitties, my name is Kodiak and I would like to tell woo about my weekend with my new family!
On Friday Maw took the day off work cause she had to take me and my brother Qannik to the VET ~ we had to get our second needle (Maw says deys called vaccinations). We was real good boys and we gots two lots of treats from da nice humes at da VET. Maw didn't tell many humes but when I went to da VET for my first needle, the VET heard something funny wif my heart.....he called it a heart murmur. When he checked me ova on Friday my heart was all good so Maw was real happy:)
After we left da VET Qannik's humes Dad had to go to work so I gots to spend da whole day wif my brother! Here's some pics of me and my family:)
Puppy playtime.....

Da grown ups keeping an eye on us boys....

After all dat we was real thirsty.....

Then Maw said it was time for sleeps.....

Paw did keep an eye on us to make sure we was safe.....

Paw and Aunty Summer did have a sleep inside too cause deys was fury tired......don't dey look like twins? Maw says dey are like two peas in a pod.....

We decided it was time we all woke up.....

Later that night after my brother went home with his humes Paw me and my Paw did some bonding.....

On Saturday Maw told me it was time to go visiting! We went round to da place I was born at and my brother Zeus was there! Soon after I gots there my other brother Qannik showed up too! We had so much fun.....playin.....exploring.....and more playin.......
Us three boys.....

Me and Zeus.....


Me ~ Kodiak.....

Me and Qannik.....


After dat we all gots so tired and had to have a sleep wif our Mom.....

When we was sleeping, Tikaani had fun digging in da back yard.....
Oooh, little Kodiak! You are SUCH a sweet little pup-pup! You sure had a busy weekend! I hope you took time to lick your mom's nose and do some snuggling!
Tail wags,
HI-Woo lil Kodiak,
Woo certainly had a buzy weekend - I gots tired reading about all that you did! Ma said the Ahh precious words looking at yur pics!!! She said that she wished that woo lived near us so she could cuddle & hug woo.
Til next time,
-Yur Uncle Cosi-
Pee Ess - Give yur Auntie Sumi a great big kissie & hug fur me!!
Did I say KHUTE??????
Kodi the Kuti. Looks like you had a pawsome weekend.
OMD! Woo pups are TOO CUTE!!! Busy weekend for all of woo, huh? We're glad your mom took lotsa pics for us, & hope she takes lots more! (Hey, woo have the feet holding up the wall post just right! ~Jack)
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Woo had a pawsome weekend!! I am so glad woo got to see your brothers!!! Plus, spending time with your paw!! Haroo roo!!! Woo is growing up, cutie!!
Mya Boo Boo
HaRoooo Kodiak and welcome!!!!!
Woo sure had a furry busy weekend. Soon I will gits to play like dat again. I is starting to feel better. Woo had lots of furry cute pictures wid da family. Sumtin' to treasure.
Husky kisses,
That's a lot of weekend excitement for one little puppy! I'm glad to see you and your dad doing some good bonding. I like to sit on the couch with my dad too, but he's of the two legged variety.
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