Laska, Princey and me on bed:)

Here's some of us outside. Notice Prince gazing into Laska's eyes?
Well Laska hasn't got eyes but you know what I mean!
Here's a couple of me and Princey!
Ready to get out of truck
In compound (doggy house)
And here's a few photos of our God Mom's wedding...doesn't she look sooooo purtty! She looks really happy with her new husband! Our Mom didn't scrub up too bad either! Here they go:
Our Mom and God Mom Amanda:)
Doesn't she look gorgeous everypuppy?
Amanda and Chris
Amanda, Chris, Mark and Mom:)
We stayed with our friends for five whole nights and had lots of fun chasing each other and playing. There were 7 of us all up, 5 of them and me and Princey. We went and visited our other good friends that are related to the ones we were staying with too, when we were all at their house there was 14 of us....that's a whole lot of sibes everypuppy & biped!!!
I see my little brother has told you it was my birthday the other day...he's so sweet surprising me and Mom like that:) I had some yum yum yummy fresh salmon for my birthday, it's our favourite!
I have to go now, time to hang around Mom for a few more pats and cuddles and I might chase Princey around a bit before I head to bed for the night.
P.S. I don't think anyones told everybody what happened at the vet with my blood test results. I'll have to talk to Mom & get her to tell you!