We just found out we received an award from Stormy and our other good friends of the A04!!!Check it out - it's a "You Make My Day" award.

The rules are to pass the award along to up to 10 people whose blog brings you happiness & inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland.
Me and Sum feel really special...thank you so much Stormy, Amber, Zimmie and Dave for thinking of us. You pups are such good friends!!!
It was a hard decision who to pass this special award onto, we've got so many friends that have cool blogs that make our day so much more fun.
These are the ten we came up with:
Sixteen White Paws - Maddox, Shelby, Scotty & Claire
Beware The Bamonster - Bama, Cracker, Mikki & Chili
The Kapp Pack - Kelsey Ann, Sky & Canyon
Meeshka's World - Meeshka
Five Happy Hounds - Tucker, Dot, Samantha & Bear
Delta Bunny - Freda
Woos & Neighs - The Mullin Clan - Cosmos & Juneau
World Of Turbo - Turbo
Amber's Personal Diary - Amber-Mae
Last but certainly not least.....
Army Of Four Digest - Storm, Amber, Zim & Dave. We just had to give this award back to you cause we love you guys so much!!!
There are so many other cool blogs we'd like to pass the award onto but we're only allowed ten so you'll have to forgive us if we didn't send it to you. Thanks heaps to the A04, we're honoured!!!
Woo WoosPrince
Awwww! Thanks, you guys! You're the BEST! We love your blog so much and always feel uplifted after we visit! Thank YOU for making our day - and thank you for the award, too!
We're proud to call you our friends!
Tail wags,
Hey boys, THANK YOU!!! You're soooo sweet... You get one big sloppy smoocheroonie from me! Oh but ooops! I'm infected with ringworms. Oh well, too late! Hopefully you won't get it too. Hee!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thank woo for the award!
We love the helmets! Thank you for the award!!!!!
Maddox and Shelby!!!
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