Hi everypuppy

The best surprise of all was saved for our tea. We got salmon tails.....a whole one each! Mom gave us half of it then mixed the other half in with our bikkies....YUM!!!
Here's Mom's salmon:

Later on, before we went to bed look what we gots to share:

Mom says I'm the quickest licker.....can anypuppy guess why?:

Princey decided to be real cheeky.....notice he's looking right at Mom!:

Wowzers ~ that was a big cookies and cream ice cream!!! It was sooooo delicious!!!
I want to thank all of woo that left me birthday wishes yesterday and sent emails.....woo helped make my day very special! I'd also like to wish cutie pie Brice a happy birthday (or barkday as he calls it) - he's got the same birthday as me but he's only two! It's still Brice's birthday in the USA but not mine anymore in NZ......I wish I could get to Brice's house real quick so I could share some of our birthday together before it's over! That would be like having two birthdays all at once!
I got lots of extra treats.....lots of extra belly rubs.....played lots with my boy.....got lots of cuddles from Mom and managed to tell the white one off a few times:
'I'm the boss today!!!':
Even the neighbours got me a present ~ some yummy smelly fresh compost right over the other side of our fence.....me and Suki sniffed it for the longest time! I tried to dig my way under so I could get my present but Mom was always there watching me and telling me 'NO!'. I told her 'hey Mom, it's my birthday.....I should be able to do what I want!!!'. Didn't work though. Here's what's over the fence......silly Mom accidentally deleted a good photo of all three of us sniffing from our side of the fence:
After that it was time for a nap:
The best surprise of all was saved for our tea. We got salmon tails.....a whole one each! Mom gave us half of it then mixed the other half in with our bikkies....YUM!!!
Here's Mom's salmon:
Here's ours:
And of course us eating my birthday treat:
Later on, before we went to bed look what we gots to share:
Mom says I'm the quickest licker.....can anypuppy guess why?:
Princey decided to be real cheeky.....notice he's looking right at Mom!:
Wowzers ~ that was a big cookies and cream ice cream!!! It was sooooo delicious!!!
I'm going to have puppy dreams about my birthday for a long long time.....probably until next year!!!