Haroo everypupper ~ I'm a Daddy!!!!!
Laska had five beewootiful little puppers yesterday, Thursday 19 February:) I haven't met them yet but Mom tells me they are real cuties and that Laska did so well! Woo'll have to close your eyes if you don't want to see a bit of blood and stuff!
#1 ~ First born was a little silver and white girl with a masked face

#2 ~ Second was a black and white girl with an open face

#3~ Third was a black and white boy with a masked face
(this one was breech which means he came out backwards!)

#4 ~ Fourth was a silver and white boy with an open face

After four puppies were born Laska was very tired and her contractions stopped but Laska's Daddy and my Mommy (bipeds) were pretty sure there were one or two more puppers in her belly. After a three hour gap Laska and her four puppies were bundled into the back of the HUSKIZ truck and taken to the the doggy doctor. He took an xray of Laska's belly which confirmed there was one more pupper! He gave Laska a little injection to make her contractions come back so the puppy could be born. Around fifteen minutes later the little pupper was born, we only just made it back home......it could have easily have been born at the doggy doctors or in the back of our truck!
#5 ~ Last puppy is a silver and white boy with open face
We don't have an individual photo of this puppy, he was breech and his little back feety feets had to be pulled to get him out of Laska's belly! He was very lethargic at the start but then he came right and is an active healthy puppy!
I am so proud of my wife Laska, she is amazing and I am so glad she wanted to have my puppers!
Here are a few more photos.....
This one is my favourite pose ~ the two puppers are hugging each other!

Laska and four puppers
All 5 puppers!!!

Well I can only imagine how exhausted Laska felt after all that! I feel emotionally drained (and that's just with Mom telling me all about it)......but so excited and I can't wait to meet my sons and daughters!!!
Woo Woos
Pee Ess ~ Our computer is still broke but Mom has promised us she is working on getting it fixed pronto! She won't be able to post any more puppy updates until next week so woo will have to go a whole weekend without new puppy pics! We are sorry but it's beyond our control and we are all praying that the Siberian Gods help fix our broke computer and make sure we haven't lost any of our files!