Do woo think they'll be handsome little puppers like me or beewootiful like Laska???
I give woo baby Prince.....

Me in December 2004 ~ Mom thinks I was around 4-6 weeks old
Me December 2004
5 months old ~ the day my Mom took me home:)
and baby Laska.....
3 weeks old
11 weeks old
Don't woo think our puppers will be cute???
Woo Woos
How exciting!! Woo is going to have handsome and bewootiful puppers!!! I can't wait!!! I hope there is lots and lots of them and that Laska has an easy time!!! Keep the camera ready!!!!
Mya Boo Boo
I'm still seeing Khupid dropping them off!
Sibe Puppies AND khute - A GIVEN!
i hope they dont look as geeky as princy looked at 5 months!!!! lil laska was very cute!!!!
Awww, with such cute pawreents, how could they be anything but totally precious?
Woos & a-roos,
"Auntie" Star & "Uncle" Jack a-aroo
ALL Sibes are adorable, but YES, you two are going to have beee-roo-tiful puppies!
Tail wags,
If they aren't cute, I will refuse my dinner for a week.
PS. That's my way of saying that I guarantee they will be cute.
OH MY PUP! They are SO precious! Pup Pup Puppy!
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