I got to go on a walk all by myself the other night.....well Mom came with me of course but the girls stayed at home. I was ever so excited when I found out it was me ~ only me ~ that was going out for an adventure!
It got better after we'd been walking for a few minutes. I looked up and there was my buddy Mr Koda right down the road! I mean what are the chances of that.....pure stroke of luck I'd say!!!
Here's a photo of us greeting each other and one a little later in the walk:

Woos Woos
Pee Ess ~ today was a fury fury special day! The girls have a couple of things they want to share with woo and then I'll tell woo what we celebrated today! It's a biggee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a lukhky guy!
OH, we khan't wait to hear/read their news!
What a fun walkie, plus visiting with a friend, all by yourself too, Wooooo, what a great day!
-Kira, The other One
Alone time with mom is always fun. Except when we go to the vet. But usually it's to go to fun places, snuggle time or training with lots of treats.
Princess Eva
makes koda look tiny!!!!
It's always great to meet some friends!
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