I've been having soooo much fun with my little buddy Kodiak, I just love puppies!!! I mean how could you not love this face.....

Mom grabs the camera when she sees him doing something cute........even if it's something he's not supposed to be doing ~ like being on the bed when our doggy blanket isn't on there.....

Here's a photo of Prince, Kodiak and Summer.....

Kodiak loves snuggling up to Summer, sometimes she doesn't look very impressed about it though.....

Our little biped neice Madison has a cocker spaniel called Charlie ~ I just love trying to nibble at his big floppy ears and funny little stumpy tail that wags all the time! On Saturday Mom and Kodiak went to Charlie's house and she showed us some photos that were taken. Kodiak is nearly as tall as Charlie now! It looks like they had a great time playing together.....
Kodiak wanted me to share a photo with woo of his purple bandage.....

.....and one of him with the collar thingee he hates so much (he only has this on when Mom is at work).....

If woo would like to see little Kodiak's boo boo please keep reading, if woo don't please don't read any further.....it may be too gruesome for woo.
This is his toe 2-3 days after his boo boo happened.....

.....and this is it as of last Sunday, 9 days after it happened.....

It was a deep gash but because it was a few hours until Mom found the boo boo and she couldn't get it stitched or stapled cause it was too late, it opened up. It is healing slowly but is going to take a long time. There was also a cut on his pad but Mom told me it has completely healed up now. It looks so sore, Kodiak has been very brave:)
Kodiak has still been lots of fun, even with a fury sore toe!