Lately efurything seems to be about the other dogs and not me! I have photos to prove it, here I'll show woo:
On Tuesdays and Thursdays each week, Miss Laska and Qannik come and spend the day at our house. The boys have so much fun.....

Last weekend it was the last heat in the Canicross Series and Suki got to go with our cousin Madison, here they go at the mass start and then about to cross the finish line.....

We were all so proud of Mad and Suki ~ they won all three heats and got 1st in the Junior Canicross Series!!! Suki got to spend some time with Fen too.....

It used to be just me and Princey, we are so close but lately, since the lil demon arrived, there's been a bit of this happening.....

Yes I know efuryone looks so happy and cute but did woo notice what was missing from all those photos? ME!!! That's right ~ there are no photos of ME!!! I think my Mom and efuryone else has furgotten about me......oh hang on, I did get to go for walkies on Monday night with my Mom and last night she did remember to take me out for a run with the other dogs. Maybe she just furgets to take photos of me!
What do woo think efurypuppy?? I wish my Cosmos was here, he'd make me feel so much better!
Pee Ess ~ I'm taking part in the pet edition of the Biggest Loser! Our friends Addie, Lucie and Hailey are running a competition. I've done well so far, you can track my progress under my photo on the right of our blog. Here's the latest update.....
Pee Ess ~ I'm taking part in the pet edition of the Biggest Loser! Our friends Addie, Lucie and Hailey are running a competition. I've done well so far, you can track my progress under my photo on the right of our blog. Here's the latest update.....

Awww! Summer! we have not forgotten about you! We hope Cosmos will be able to join you soon to cheer you up. The little guy will get big and not be so cute once he figures out he a a Siberian. Then things will start to get back to normal. You just have to show the little guy his rank in all things...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Summer, you teach the little munchkins all of the good sneaky stuff about being a Sibe - that will get you noticed.
Just keep being woo!
That is what really khounts!
There is a special feature built into puppies that makes them really cute. Distracts the humans from noticing the shark teeth and path of destruction. Don't worry, his puppy license will expire and everything will revolve around you again.
Princess Eva
Great job Mad and Suki!
Mom thought the pictures of Prince and Kodiak were so cute that she had to get Dad to look at them too.
You're right though, I need some Summer pictures.
Hey, Summer, we haven't forgotten you - we think the humans need to dedicate a whole week's blog just to you!!!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
We couldn't forget woo, Summer - woo are unforgettable! All that puppy novelty will wear off, woo just have to be patient...
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
HaRoooo Summer!
We won't furgit woo! When da puppy is grown, things will be kind of back to normal. Just start sticking your snoot into da pictures.
Husky kisses,
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