Over da weekend I spent sum time bondin wif my family, we had lots of fun playin and runnin around:) After we play I need to have a little sleep, like this:
Me wif Aunt Summer.....
On Saturday humes Maw had to go to somethin called a 'workin bee' ~ does anypuppy know what dis is? Is it when da bees work to make honey? What does it haf to do wif my Maw? Maw said sumthin bout workin on da trails da big dogs run on and gettin dem ready fur da big race. Anyways here's some photos.....dis might give woo all a clue:
Our friend Kate hard at it..... just what she is doin we are not sure but it wuz gud to see she had her safety gear on when she was playin wif da power tools.....

Some of da people that wuz helpin Maw wif da bees.....
After Maw got home from doin dat, my cousin Madison came round and we (just da three of us)went out to visit my real Maw and brudder Qannik and da rest of the doggies dat live at their house.
Here's Aleka, me Maw and Qannik.....
Look at dis action shot! Qannik was just about to jump on me.....
Aleka, Quilla and Qannik all pickin on me.....

Madison stayed da night and we had sum cuddles before she went to sleep:
Madison wif me and Paw.....
Madison and her moustache ~ hey dat looks just like my tail.....
On Sunday morning we all piled into da HUSKIZ truck and went out da road so the big dogs could go fur a run. Me and Qannik played together in Haakon's truck. It was real wet and muddy, I'll prove it to woo by showin woo dese photos:
Paw, Aunt Summer and Aunt Suki.....

My Paw.....

Dis is Chief, Blaze and Niko's Dad ~ I think Niko wuz stickin his tongue out cause he wuz sayin 'hawoo Dad, we gots woo all dirty!!!'

Here's some photos of why efuryone wuz so dirty:

That's my Aunt Suki up front dere wif Aleka and Quiquern and Suggen behind dem and Paw and Aunt Summer behind dem and Haakon right at da back on da three wheeled thingee.....

And here's Karl's team.......Bella and Dolce wif Chief and Blaze behind dem and den Niko and den Karl right at da back.....

Here's Miss Mitsi wif her brudder Onyx.....

On Monday night Mom took me and Summer out visiting. We went round to a house I'd never been to before. Dere wuz a big black bouncy dog dere ~ I heard his Maw call him 'Koda'. His Maw is a real nice lady dat did come to visit me and my brudders and sisters when we wuz little puppies. I wuz fury fury scared of Koda so I did stay on my Maw's knee fur a long time.
'Protect me Maw, will da big black dog hurt me?.....

Do woo have any idea how freakin' khute woo are?
As fur the 'lil demon' part?
I think 'they' only khall woo that bekhause 'they' remember 'their' angelikhk youth!
Khongrats on all the new experiences and furiends!
Wow - you are leading a busy life. And we love the action Qannik shot!
Has Auntie Summer warmed up to you now? I noticed she's using you as a pillow!
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