I am feeling much better, thank woo all for yur support and nice caring comments. My Mom has been paying extra special attention to me and taking lots of photos!
When Mom came home fur lunch today she told me there was a special package in the mailbox fur me! I wondered what it could be......could it be a present from the treat fairy.....or something special from my Cosi.....or a letter telling me the lil demon is going to go live sumwhere else ~ oops, did I say that out loud? All my guesses were wrong ~ it was my prize pack from Addie and her Mom! I was so excited!!!
Me and Princey did check the package out......

And then we waited real patiently for Mom to open it......

We let the lil demon have a sniff of it.......or rather a CHEW......

Finally Mom opened it and WOW! There was a cool whiteboard to stick on the wall, a pedometer to track me and Mom's steps when we go fur walks, a cool Whoppers squeeky toy and a purrrty bandana just fur me!!!
As woo can probably guess, Prince claimed the toy (Kodiak was hopin to get his little razor teeth around it too though).....

So here's my special gifts and me wif my bandana on......

Thank woo Addie and Addie's Mom ~ I just love efurything.....well efurything except for Mom not giving me as many treats!!!
Such nice pressies you got - AND you look quite lovely in your bandana!!! Congratulations.
Woos, the OP Pack
Wooo! What a pretty bandanna you got there Summer. I am sure the other appreciated the presents too, but remember, you are the prettiest! Congrats on the great gifts!
~puppy kisses~
Kira The BeaWootiful
What nice stuff woo got!
And nice of woo to let the 'Little Demon' have a chew or two or three or four!
Best of lukhk to woo!
Furry nice surprise! (Even if woo couldn't eat all of it). woo look lovely in your new bandana, Summer.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Wow! Now you can really get started on the losing stuff. Although you don't look like you need to lose anything!
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