On Sunday afternoon we had a really fun outing at our usual Sunday walking/running place! Mom took the camera along and took some photos, not while we were out walking though (I agree with Kodiak, sometimes bipeds can be purtty dumb).
I went fur a walk with Aunt Jan and Charlie, Mom took Princey, the annoying white one (that's Suki if woo didn't already know) and Laska, Kodiak went with Haakon and Fen. When we got back from our walk Mom took Suggen and Aleka fur a run on the scooter, boy did they take off fast! When they got back from their run Haakon took little Snowflake, ummmm I mean Qannik, fur his fury first run on the scooter ~ he really seemed to enjoy it, here's a few photos.....

Don't woo agree that he looks like one fury happy Siberian?
Princey found a pine cone and thought that was purtty good to chew on and play with.....

Mom got this really great photo of him ~ isn't my little brother handsome efurypuppy.....

Speaking of handsome, lil Yak Yak is turning into quite the looker, this was taken when he was locked in his cell in the doggy trailer.....

When Mom took Suggen and Aleka fur a run she left me and Princey hooked up to the trailer but put Kodiak and Suki inside ~ we are more trustworthy woo see:) Here's how she left us.....
In this photo me and Princey were tellin Mom off fur leaving us behind.....

When she got back I told her off some more.....
We love pulling like that - it is totally fun and we get to run all we want. OK, almost all we want.
That is a very happy Sibe! It looks like lots of fun, but I agree that you're right to tell off your mom.
That looks like so much fun! Our humans bought a scooter a couple years ago, but we don't use it much. I'm not much into being a "working" dog, even though I AM a working breed. I believe in being a couch potato.
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