Can woo believe it efurypuppy and efurykitty ~ we are one whole year old today!
This is us when we were little puppies.....

Not so little.....

This is the fury first time me and Paw did meet.....

and here is us now. I give woo in birth order:

and here is us now. I give woo in birth order:
Aneshia (we haven't got any new photos so these are the most recent ones we have).....


Kodiak ~ that's me.....


and last but certainly not least, Zeus (he was the smallest of us pups for da first few weeks after we was born but he turned out to be da biggest.....

Dis is me and Paw da udder night on da bed.....

Last night we all went fur a walk at one of our favourite walkies places, here's a couple of photos of us three boys wif our Maw and Paw.....

Dis morning when Maw gots up and went outside dere was a nice surprise fur her. She had been wondering why me and Aunt Summer had been outside lots during da night, it had been rainin and we was all wet when we did come inside each time. Look who came to visit me fur my birfday.....

Yep, Mr Ratty! Maw was not fury impressed, she said she's never seen a real rat in town before (apart from me and pet rats dat is ~ hey Maw, I is not a rat!). She did take it away so we couldn't play wif him anymore:(
I wonder if I will get to do anythin special fur my birfday? I sure hope so:) Mom dropped me off at da place in da photo below and she left me dere wif a fury nice lady and man. Anypuppy got any ideas why I am here?

I think Maw must have brought me here as a treat fur the day so I can haf fun on my birfday!
Play bows and woofs and lots of special birfday treats
Happy Birfday to all of woo!
PeeEssWoo: I think woo are going to be seeing the tutor about a hoohooekhtomy!
Happy birthday Kodiak! You and all of your siblings have grown into very handsome/pretty pups!
Happy Birfday, Kodiak!
-Yur Unc Cosi-
Happy Birthday to evfurryone!!! Come see our new girl - Ciara!!!
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
HMMM it doesn't look good Yak...
Demand treats.. lots of them for the horribleness that might happen - poking, prodding OR WORSE!
Feeling sorry for you Yak..
Woos! Happy Brifday to woo all!
Ummm, about that place... anyway.. woo will feel better when woo get home!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Happy Birthday to everyone!
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
Yappy Barkday!!!!
You are all soooo gorgeous! We would LOVE to play with all of you!
Lots of luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Wow, has it been a year already??? Time sure has gone fast!
Happy birthday to you all!!!
Holly and Khady
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Wish you a happing using.
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