On Saturday we got to go out to our furiends place for play time and dinner, we were all so looking forward to it!
Here's some photos Mom took:
Quiquern and Laska.....

Aleka and Fen.....
Here's Aleka and Qannik checking Kodiak out.....
Puppy playtime with Aunt Aleka watching on.....
This next photo is not fur young eyes ~ Miss Aleka decided it was time to join in the fun and tell Qannik she is the boss.....
Here's all ten of us milling around in the IceSibes backyard.....
Here is me and Suggen.....

Isn't he handsome efurydoggy! Just between you and me I do like him a lot and I think the feeling is mutual:) Don't tell anyone though ~ it's our secret!!!
To finish off I'd like to show you a photo of Princey ~ when it was time to go home Mom told us to get into our doggy trailer, Princey disappeared and this is where Mom found him.....
Woo-hoo, woo & Suggen make a cute couple! Princey is sooo smart, isn't he? Maybe he called "Shotgun!" but no one heard him over the howls of fun?
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
What awesome friends you have - we wish we could to a Sibe Pawty too. Smart Princey - he knows where the best seat in the truck is:)
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I think my furiends from RI and KS have khovered it furry well!
Thank woo fur sharing all these khool pikhs!
Thank you :-) take a look that emo boy hair at this blog:
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