Hi everydoggy, it's me Suki!
I wasn't referring to me a being hot hot hot (but of course woo all know I am!), I was talking about our weather! The last few days have been really warm in kiwiland, yesterday it was 35 degrees (that's 95 degrees to all woo doggies in the USA)!
Mom took us out for a short walk last night to a nice sheltered place, well Madison took me for a walk.....Mom took Prince and Sum and our friend Haakon took our pals Suggen and Aleka. We went to a place called Thomsons Bush, it has nice bush covered trails and there was even a bit of shade in the carpark area for the HUSKIZ truck so it didn't get too warm for us while we were strutting our stuff.
They also have a playground area there so after our walk we all went and played! We climbed a wooden ladder thingee and went down a slide! Me and Sum sat on Haakon's knee on the slide but Princey, Suggen & Aleka came down on their feet!
Mom had forgotten the camera but we reminded her that she could use her cellphone. Here are some photos from the playground.....

I call this 'Stairway To Heaven'

'We made it!!!'

'What's happening now???'

The view from 'Heaven'
(that's Suggen & Aleka way down there by the way!)

'Woo hoo! Woo made it too Aleka!'

'Only a little further to go Suggen!'

'Hey little doggy down there ~ come join us!'

'Na they didn't wanna listen, they're going home!'
'We're back down again.....what's happening now?'
'Oh my dogness! Princey has climbed up the other ladder!'
Prince ~ 'How do I get down from here???'

'Like this Princey!' says Madison
'Whoa.....scary, slippery.....gotta get down quick!' says Prince
Mom ~ 'Your too quick for me Princey.....I chopped off your head!'
I hope woo enjoyed coming along with us!
Pee Ess ~ We haven't forgotten to give woo a pup pup puppy update, we are just waiting for Mom to get some good photos. Hopefully she'll get some tomorrow:) Just to tease woo.....the puppies all have their eyes open now and are climbing out of the whelping box!!! Princey will give woo a puppy report as soon as we get photos!
Nice day woo had BUT YIKES on the temps!
We khan't WAIT to see the pup pup puppies with eyes open and feety feets exploring!
Looks like you had fun on your walkies, I am used to those kid of temps, but Mom doesn't take me out until it gets dark, so we have no pictures....
I can't wait to see the puppies!
-Kira the beaWootiful
YIKES! That's HOT! Woo still look like woo had fun at the playground!
I can't wait to see the pictures of the puppers!
Way too hot for our taste. We'll take the freezing temps any day.
I have never experienced 95 degrees. Cant even imagine. It is supposed to be 80 this weekend here. The slide looked fun. Cant wait to see the pups with their eyes open.
What a great time woo had! I think I would be too scared of that slippery thing...and probably the stairway to heaven....and most everything else! Harooo!!! I'm a skittish girlie! Can't wait to see photos!!!
Mya Boo Boo
**cowardly dog**
What fun! Once Kat and I got to play in a playground and it was fun. Dad and I went down the slide and Kat went through a tunnel. I think we should go back.
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