Because we haven't done anything exciting for me to show woo, here's some photos of us having a new dental treat at the weekend.....

This must have been a good treat cause Prince (AKA Mr Fussy Pants) ate it all.....
Me.....well I did eat half of it! Okay okay, I should be called Miss Fussy Pants.....
Summy asked us to share.....of course we said NO! She tried telling us her treat was smaller!!! We all know it's just cause she has JAWS OF STEEL like Ammy from the A04.....maybe it's a red girl thing.....
Mom ended up taking the other half of my treat away cause I was just lying there guarding it. The next day she had the cheek to split it between the three of us....hmmmmppppphhhhhh!!! How rude!
Oh well, I'm over it now!
Pee Ess ~ We haven't been out for exercise since Sunday morning and it's now Wednesday morning.....does this sound like a case of Siberian abuse to woo???
Hmmm - funny, we only get our treats inside our crates. Something about those who finish first (not mentioning any names, Natasha) are less than polite to the others. I know that is a shock.
No exercise since Sunday? We would dismantle the house without daily walks.
You must get your exercise. If not, there goes the couch. I always try to eat all my snacks in one sitting so the pesky skwerrels don't get em. Plus john has been pretty hungry lately. You just never know what hoomans will do.
Nothing wrong with WINDY and WET!
That is why I'm khalled Princess RainKhloud!
I think woo are SOOOO owed!
The worst part of the year is over for you (summer) and now the weather is going to get great!!
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