Haroo everypupper! Boy what a weekend it was, I got to meet my puppers for the fury first time on Saturday. Mom put me and my sisters in our house and then asked me to come with her.....I was fury hesitant but then realised I was going out someplace.....JUST ME AND MOM!!!!
I got my collar on and we headed out the door. I dragged Mom all the way around the road to our friends house and I got to play with my good friends Fen, Quiquern and Suggen for a long time. I also played with little Cyntara and Balto came in with us for a visit too. We had a great time. All the bipeds went inside and then my buddy Haakon came out and asked me to come with him.....JUST ME! I seem to be fury popular today and efuryone wants the Princester all to themselves!!! I was flattered!
First we went in the garage, then the laundry and then into the hallway.....then I got taken into a room where all the bipeds were and I could smell something fury interesting. I looked to my left and didn't see anything.......

and then to my right.......

I was so surprised I had to take a second look!!!

My eyes nearly popped right out of my head ~ it was Miss Laska, my beewootiful wife! I was so glad to see her, she disappeared a few weeks ago and I thought I had lost her furever! She was busy in a corner of a box thingee.....I was allowed to go closer and woo are not going to believe this everypupper THERE WERE MINI LASKA AND PRINCE'S IN THERE WITH HER!!!
I closed my eyes and had another look.....just to make sure I wasn't imagining things.....

I was fascinated! I got to sniff a little butt and say hello to a puppers face.....WOOF I went and the little pupper jumped with fright. The rest of the time I was super quiet and just looked and sniffed. One of the puppers looked just like Laska and one of them was just like me! The others were a mix of me and Laska.

Here's me meeting one of the ones that look like both of us ~ this little fella has my face but Laska's colourings and blue eyes. Mom seemed to think it was so special when I met him and took this photo.......

So what do woo think everypupper? Am I gonna be a good Daddy or what???
Mom also asked me to tell woo the exciting news.....all of the puppers have new homes to go to and a couple of them even have names! Here's some photo of them being weighed!
This is little Aneshia, she weighs 1925 grams and has a new Daddy by the name of Rodger.....

This is Meisha, she weighs 1925 grams and she has a new Mommy and Daddy called Ang and Mark and she has two little biped brothers called Caleb and Ethan.....they are twins.....

This little fella weighs 1925 grams as well and is apparently coming to live at our house!!! Can woo believe it? A new member of Team Husky!!! Now I understand why Mom wanted a photo of us together! Mom has a name in mind for him but would appreciate it if anyone has any other names that would suit him.....

This fella (can't call him little) weighs 2000 grams and doesn't have a name yet.....Mom has been calling him 'Fatso'! He is going to live with Haakon and his pack! That means he gets to live with his Mom Laska.....

Last but certainly not least, this little guy weighs 1900 grams and is also yet to be named. He has a new Mommy and Daddy and their names are Tess and Aaron.....

My friends outside were real jealous that they weren't in with the little puppers, here's Suggen & Quiquern and Suggen & Fen keeping an eye on things.....

Here's some group photos of the puppers.....

I have a feeling this little fella is gonna be getting lots of Mom's attention soon, not sure what I think about that as Mom's always said I'm her main man!!!

Well as woo can see from the photo of me below, I was just EXHAUSTED after my big day! I sure was glad to be home and put my feet up!

Woo Woos
Prince Daddy:)
Pee Ess ~ Notice it looks like they are all going to have blue eyes!!! The bipeds are amazed cause all of my relatives have brown eyes, Miss Laska's managed to give them all the beewootiful blue eyes she once had!!!
What an amazing day you had. Getting to see your puppers! THey are adorable. Obviously you got some amazing babies there. You two got some good puppers! I am so happy you go to say hello finally. It sounds like you were able to control your excitement. That must have been hard because you know, being a puppy and all, I know we are irrisistable.
Good work. Give my love to the misses and all the youngens.
Puppy paws,
Furry furry khool day woo had!
Tank woo fur sharing!
It is super duper khool woo will each get to keep one!
They are sooo furry adorable!!! I think you will be a wonderful daddy!!!
YOu'll be the perfect daddy!
Which one is my Stormaversary present?!!? Ha roo roo roo!
Tail wags,
Prince your puppies are PRECIOUS!!!
We know how happy you were to meet them!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
WOOO! What a great day, you got to see your puppies and one is going to come live with you! WOOO again!
Lucky you!
-Kira The beaWootiful
Well if that wasn't about THE most special day! Mom got a little teary-eyed when woo were saying they all had beawootiful blue eyes like Laska had - she thinks this is the Great Creator's doing.... a gift, since she couldn't keep her own beawootiful eyes. Now her puppies will see the world from for her.
Oh Prince, woo are a terrific daddy! Can't wait till the new team member arrives!
(Oh, BTW, did woo see the pics of Dodge on SiberMal? He's MY nephew, you know! ~Jack)
~Jack and Star
You did good wif the puppy making there, Princey! Yur lil son looks like a bandit wif that mask & mommy says that she sees "devil" in his eyes. (You could name him Zorro or Z-pup! - that's frum Juneau).
Have a good nap, you had quite a day!
-Yur bro, Cos-
What a wooooderful day woo had!!! Your puppies are furry bewoootiful.
Dey is growing so fast.
We think woo will be a terrific daddy. Can't wait to see what your puppy gives woo for Father's Day.
Congratulations again and Best Wishes to all da puppies, Miss Laska and the puppies new furever homes.
Husky kisses,
Is that Summer's new black and white playmate? She needs it since you and Suki are all buddy-buddy now. I must say, you have some good genes. All of your puppies are very cute!
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