Guess what I got to do at the weekend? Yep, I got to visit my puppers! They are growing so fast! I spent some time watching them and Laska and I got to spend some time together too which I was real happy about.
'Haroo puppers, it's me Dad!'
'I'm just gonna go outside with yur Mom for a bit, K?'

The puppies were weighed on Sunday ~ the lightest one now weighs 3.7kg & the heaviest is 4.375kg! Mom said something about taking the little puppers to the vet later on in the week for their first vaccinations. That means needles!!!
This is food formation time.....
This is why they weigh so much......boy do they like their food!
The most adventurous pupper by far is Miss Meisha.....boy is she going to keep her new family on their toes! She's learnt how to climb out of the puppy area and even climbed up Laska's ramp (without the extra puppy ramp attached) and wandered outside by herself! The area had to be 'Meisha proofed' after that!
All of their ears are up except for our little Kodiak and one of Zeus's ears is still down too. They sure look like real Sibe puppers now!
I noticed they were very playful and seemed to love chewing on each other.....I sure hope they don't chew on me! Our good friend Alladin told me to watch out for little puppers cause they weren't all nice and cute. He did tell me one of his special tactics that he had learnt though ~
'woo have to turn your furry back on them!' Laddy is Suki's half brother and there's him and his Sibe sister Chinook, Rosie & Hope the black Labs and three of Hope's annoying little black Lab puppies. Maybe my little puppers won't be so annoying seeing as they are Sibes and not Labs???
Qannik & Zeus playing

Kodiak checking me out

looks like I really do have some serious competition everypupper!
Woo Woos
Woo made some furry furry khute puppers!
Tank woo fur sharing them!
Such awesome little puppers.
Yes, you will have to learn like our old Nikita did when we brought Natasha home. Natasha bugged her and bugged her until one day Nikita corrected Natasha - gently but firmly. Nikita looked at us for direction and we nodded. Nikita went - got it - be the mama bear!
So you will have to be the papa bear.
I'd have to disagree bout the labs hehe sibes are far more annoying!! I'm sure Koda would agree too... :D
Mom says she wants all of them but that last pic is just adorable. Puppies are just beautiful.
Woos, the OP Pack
Woor pups are getting cuter and cuter as they grow! If they keep eating like that, they're gonna be furry big pups soon!
They are soooo cute and getting so big. Makes my Momma want another puppy! But Dad said it'll be at least 5 years before we get one since I'm only 5 and Brice is only 2.
Princess Eva
Oh, Prince! They're all so adorable! Think of all the great things you're going to teach little Kodiak!!!
Tail wags,
I think those puppies look very well behaved. It looks like they are all sitting nicely for their dinner. They won't be any trouble at all... maybe.
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