Boy did I have fun last weekend! Our niece Madison stayed ALL WEEKEND!!! Friday night she slept in our bed with us and Mom and Saturday night she slept in her big bed in the spare room.
I like to keep her company when she's in there......the bed is MUCH too big for one little biped and I'd hate to think she gets lonely! Don't woo think this is a much better arrangement everypupper?
Can I plllleeeaaaasssseeeee snuggle with woo Mad.....
Well what can I say ~ she loves me.....
Suki decided it looked like a pretty good place to be too.....
Last night was weigh and worm time for my cute little puppers, Mom came back with a photo to show me ~ I give woo puppy teeth.....

Can woo see #4's little sharp razors? Wowzers.....poor Laska!
I thought all of woo would like to see this photo of little #5 that was taken last week ~ I give woo hussy photo puppy style.....

We have some more exciting puppy news but we'll wait until we have our puppy photo shoot this weekend to announce it!
Woo Woos
Prince ~ Proud Daddy
Oh Be Still My Huzzy Heart!
Now THAT is a pup pup puppy shot!
I think woo did a grrrreat job keeping Madison safe and sound!
What a huzzy already, we like that one! Can't wait for more puppy pictures!
-Kira The other one
Snuggling with a mini biped is great, isn't it? My boy lets me up on the bed to snuggle with him when he visits us too.
Those are such cute widdle puppy teefies!!! Seeing them reminded mom of how razor-sharp my little teeth were, too! (I was only 5 weeks old when I came to live with my family)
That's right!
Too much empty bed. She was lucky to have two wonderful dogs to fill it!
Adorable pups!
Can't wait to hear the news!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Our momma says that sleeping is always better when surrounded by pups!
Princess Eva
Stormy almost passed out when she saw how TOTALLY adorable the wee puppies are! She asked me to let you know how darling they are. And me!?!? I want to jump on the bed with Mad and snuggle and make her giggle and lick her nose!!!! Can I come over!?!?
We do not understand why humans think they can get into our beds like that.
I see a wittle bit of room fur me to snuggle up wif you all - sigh - wish I could visit. Yur puppers R getting big - they are sooooo cute (quoting mommy)!!
Yur bro,
I totally agree that the bed is too big for Madison. I'm glad you two took care of that problem!
Your puppies are so cute. I can't wait to hear the big news.
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